fredag 29 mars 2013

Hello from Mwanza!

We are Sofia and Linnea, and we are working as volunteers for Mwembe and Ni Hekima Pekee organsisation here in Mwanza, Tanzania. We have been working here since 4th of March and will be staying til the 30 of May. We are both 21-year-old girls. We are coming from  Finland and we study social services at Novia university of applied sciences.
We have had the great pleasure of getting to do a lot of creative work with the children. We have been at Tambukareli primary school working with about 20 vulnerable children using creative thinking and methods. We like to play a bit of their own, local, games and have also introduced them to a few new games. We have also focused a lot on getting their imagination to come out through drawings, playing with clay and making drama. The children seem to like being creative and we have seen a lot of beautiful drawings, clay figures and one very interesting drama-sketch. Trough creative methods we can reach the children, give them a chance to raise their talents and also to get them to trust in us. We want to raise the children's voices and give them a chance to express themselves and their situation.

We have also been working with the disabled children at Iseni school. We have focused on crea
tive work with these children too, but we are trying to adjust the tasks in such a way that they fit the childrens competenses and that they can feel that they are good at what they do. We have been doing macrame-bracelets, playing with clay, drawing and playing games. We will also start focusing on such issues as feelings and hygiene, and try to get the children to learn the importance of being clean and also that the children learn to recognize feelings in both other children and themselves. There are 20 children registered in the class but only 7 is attending regularly. We are now planning to visit the families with the children, that are not attending, to see where the problem is and how we could help.
The children are really talented and eager to learn new things, they are really nice to work with and we have a really positive feeling about the work we are doing together with these children. We can see how proud they are about their creations and how their self-esteem is starting to develop. We are enjoying our time here in Mwanza and we love to work with the children and seeing the progress and confidence growing in the children.
Sofia and Linnea

måndag 25 mars 2013

Creativity and Sustainability

The family support goes on in Butimba, Mwanza. Our students Stephanie, Linnea and Sofia are working with updating the situations in the families and with creative clubs in drawing, playing, music and drama in Tambuka Reli Primary School.

We have now collected enough funds to start a one week course in entrepeneurship and household economy for 15 parents, some of them are single mothers.
But still there is a need for over 30 families more. If we can come up to an amount of 4000 € it will be enough for the complete group as start loans. For support
Account number: Mwembe r.f,  FI9449700010098190 BIC: HELSFIHH

A new idea of introducing urban permaculture to the families is under planning. This would be a sustainable, ecological and useful alternative for families with a little space for cultivating.

Sponsorship programme family-to-family: There is a grandmother of 62 years, taking care of her 8 minor grand children. Three of them are not going to school. She needs support. If you want to help out, please contact us on our webpage or in our facebook page Mwanza Street Project.

Now we support 40 kids for Primary School.
This is one of the kids who started in February this year.

BIG THANKS to all who have supported us!

Kreativitet och hållbarhet

Familjestödet rullar på och vår studerande Stephanie, Linnea och Sofia jobbar vidare med familjerna i Butimba, tillsammans med Onesmo Kajuna. Stephanie jobbar vidare med utvärdering av situationen i familjerna. Linnea och Sofia har inlett kvällsaktiviteter i Tambuka Reli Primary i kreativa ämnen. De har även startat en likadan klubb för funktionshindrade barn.

Vi har nu fått ihop medel för att kunna starta föräldrastödet för 7-8 familjer. Det blir en grupp på 15 personer för inledning med en en veckas träning i entrepenörsskap och hushållsekonomi.
Men fortfarande behövs medel till mer än 30 familjer! Insamlingen fortsätter, vi behöver komma upp till 4000 €.  Stöd oss!
Kontonummer är FI9449700010098190 BIC: HELSFIHH

En ny idé som vi har är att arrangera småningom kurser i urban permakultur, hur odla ekologiskt och på liten yta i urban miljö.

Fadderprogram: Vi behöver en fadderfamilj för en mormor/farmor som tar hand om sina 8 barnbarn . Tre av dem går inte i skola. Intresserad av att vara fadderfamilj och stöda familjen månatligen? Kontakta oss på eller på för mera info!

På gång är också HIV-tester, för både barn och föräldrar. Dessa tester är gratis för alla i Tanzania.
Vi stöder nu 40 barn till skola. Detta är den grupp som inledde skolgång i februari i år.

Stort TACK till våra sponsorer!